
Tutankhamun, ruled as a boy only for a short time. He is most famous because his tomb was discovered almost intact and full of treasures in 1922

Hagar Asal

Department of Civilization and History

  • 02 Apr, 2024

Tutankhamun Facts

- Tutankhamun, ruled as a boy only for a short time. He is most famous because his tomb was discovered almost intact and full of treasures in 1922 Tutankhamun (Neb-Khebru-Ra):
 was the husband of the second daughter of Akhenaten. He assumed responsibility for governance affairs by returning to Thebes and abandoning the name Aten in his name to be replaced by Amun. He issued a decree to revive the previous worships, especially Amun, and began establishing his tomb in the Used as a burial chamber for nearly 500 years, the Valley of the Kings was used for royal burials for the Kings,their families, and their possessions. Valley of the Kings and a funerary temple in Medinet Habu.  Hor Mohib usurped it for himself. He also added several buildings in Karnak and even left the hands of the priests of Amun to destroy the antiquities of the Tell El Amarna, also known as Amarna or Akhetaten, is an archaeological site in Egypt that holds great historical and cultural significance. Amarna period to please them. It came to describing the era of Akhenaten as an era of turmoil, a description that Egyptian texts did not know except in describing the plight of the Hyksos. Tutankhamun, ruled as a boy only for a short time. He is most famous because his tomb was discovered almost intact and full of treasures in 1922 Tutankhamun died at the age of 19.  Perhaps the wound that appeared in his head when his mummy was examined made some say that he had died by assassination, and his small tomb was very splendid and luxurious, which raised the question (what if the tombs of the great pharaohs such as Tuthmosis III and Ramses II had remained as they were?  How many treasures would she have discovered?

The discovery of the tomb of Tutankhamun

Discovery of the cemetery:
Howard Carter discovered the tomb of Tutankhamun, ruled as a boy only for a short time. He is most famous because his tomb was discovered almost intact and full of treasures in 1922 Tutankhamun on November 4, 1922. Excavation work began in the 62 tombs until 1932, when Carter and the scientific group working with him photographed all the findings and recorded them in lists. For this purpose, the pieces were transferred to a laboratory established temporarily near the tomb.  Sisi II, and Harry Burton photographed and recorded the pieces on commission from the American Metropolitan Museum of Art. It took about 50 days to evacuate the contents of the front room, and in order to remove the large wardrobes and the sarcophagus from the sarcophagus room, Carter had to demolish part of the entrance leading to the front room.  Thus, some of the scenes depicted with the goddess Isis were demolished, and they also showed Tutankhamun, ruled as a boy only for a short time. He is most famous because his tomb was discovered almost intact and full of treasures in 1922 Tutankhamun with Anubis and the goddess Hathor.

Tutankhamun Tomb

The tomb of Tutankhamun, ruled as a boy only for a short time. He is most famous because his tomb was discovered almost intact and full of treasures in 1922 Tutankhamun , or Tomb 62 according to scientific notation, is known internationally as (KV 62). It is the tomb of Pharaoh Tutankhamun, ruled as a boy only for a short time. He is most famous because his tomb was discovered almost intact and full of treasures in 1922 Tutankhamun and is located in the Used as a burial chamber for nearly 500 years, the Valley of the Kings was used for royal burials for the Kings,their families, and their possessions. Valley of the Kings in Egypt, on the western bank of the Nile River opposite the current city of Luxor.  This tomb gained wide international fame due to the wealth and treasures it contained when it was discovered, as it is considered the only tomb of the ancient Egyptian kings that was found with its entire contents and was not stolen by thieves, neither in ancient nor modern times. It was discovered in 1922 by Howard Carter under the ruins of workers’ huts built since the era  Ramesside, which indicates that the tomb remained in good condition, and was not damaged by tampering or theft, as happened in the rest of the tombs of the region during the period of decline of the Ramesside era and the establishment of the priestly state in Thebes. The tomb was found piled with royal belongings in no order.

The tomb of Tutankhamun Howard Carter

-Cemetery 62 KV:
 The tomb of Tutankhamun, ruled as a boy only for a short time. He is most famous because his tomb was discovered almost intact and full of treasures in 1922 Tutankhamun , located in the Used as a burial chamber for nearly 500 years, the Valley of the Kings was used for royal burials for the Kings,their families, and their possessions. Valley of the Kings , was originally intended for a member of the royal family, and perhaps it was for the elderly vizier, Ay, who succeeded Tutankhamun, ruled as a boy only for a short time. He is most famous because his tomb was discovered almost intact and full of treasures in 1922 Tutankhamun after his death. However, due to Tutankhamun, ruled as a boy only for a short time. He is most famous because his tomb was discovered almost intact and full of treasures in 1922 Tutankhamun ’s sudden death when he was young, two large rooms were added to the tomb, thus completing tomb KV62.  For Tutankhamun, ruled as a boy only for a short time. He is most famous because his tomb was discovered almost intact and full of treasures in 1922 Tutankhamun , and the quick addition of these two rooms indicates the sudden death of Tutankhamun, ruled as a boy only for a short time. He is most famous because his tomb was discovered almost intact and full of treasures in 1922 Tutankhamun .  As for “Ay”, who ascended the throne after Tutankhamun, ruled as a boy only for a short time. He is most famous because his tomb was discovered almost intact and full of treasures in 1922 Tutankhamun ’s death for a short period, he was buried in tomb WV23, which was - most likely - originally dedicated to Tutankhamun, ruled as a boy only for a short time. He is most famous because his tomb was discovered almost intact and full of treasures in 1922 Tutankhamun . The inscriptions on the walls of “Ay’s” tomb were found almost identical to the inscriptions on the walls of Tutankhamun, ruled as a boy only for a short time. He is most famous because his tomb was discovered almost intact and full of treasures in 1922 Tutankhamun ’s tomb.

Tutankhamun secrets of the tomb review

Attempts to rob the cemetery:

Archaeologists believe that thieves entered Tutankhamun, ruled as a boy only for a short time. He is most famous because his tomb was discovered almost intact and full of treasures in 1922 Tutankhamun 's tomb at least twice shortly after his burial and attempted to steal it, due to the presence of several seals at the entrance to the tomb, and the contents of the two large rooms piled up in an unorganized manner, indicating an attempt to steal and then re-close the tomb and seal it from the officials.  Carter also found lists of the contents of the tomb, some of which were missing, indicating that they had been stolen in the past. It appears that the re-closure of the tomb took place during the reign of Horemheb, who came after Ay. Since the entrance to Tutankhamun, ruled as a boy only for a short time. He is most famous because his tomb was discovered almost intact and full of treasures in 1922 Tutankhamun 's tomb KV62 is located under the entrance stairs to one of the Ramesside tombs that were built later, under the tomb of Ramses VI KV9, the ruins of that tomb and the housing built on it for workers covered the entrance to tomb 62, and thus Tutankhamun, ruled as a boy only for a short time. He is most famous because his tomb was discovered almost intact and full of treasures in 1922 Tutankhamun 's tomb remained hidden from view.  thousands of years.

what was inside the tomb of Tutankhamun

-Cemetery layout:
The tomb is divided into Entrance A with a staircase consisting of 16 steps, followed by a sloping vestibule 7 meters long, then a rectangular front room with a width of 8 meters and 67 and 3 meters in length, from which two rooms branch out towards the north: the sarcophagus room and the treasure room.  A small additional room branches off from the front room towards the west.  The walls of the tomb are not decorated except for the sarcophagus room, which has inscriptions from the Book of the Dead and several pictures depicting Tutankhamun, ruled as a boy only for a short time. He is most famous because his tomb was discovered almost intact and full of treasures in 1922 Tutankhamun meeting the gods in the other world. 3,500 pieces of contents were found distributed in the different rooms, giving us an idea of ??the way of living in the royal palace.  Carter, who discovered the tomb in 1922, found Tutankhamun, ruled as a boy only for a short time. He is most famous because his tomb was discovered almost intact and full of treasures in 1922 Tutankhamun 's clothes, gold jewelry, fabrics, a large number of scarabs, statues, as well as vessels, decorative materials, and incense. He also found pieces of furniture, chairs, oil lamps, pieces for games, food stocks, drinks, and golden vessels.  Pottery, carts (drawn by horses), and war equipment. About 1,700 pieces of Tomb 62 are displayed in the Egyptian Museum in Cairo, and the other pieces are stored in the museum, and some of them are displayed in the Luxor Museum is an archaeological museum in Luxor (ancient Thebes), Egypt. It stands on the corniche, overlooking the west bank of the River Nile. Luxor Museum . Some of the contents of the tomb indicate the difficult state of transition that Egypt went through during the Tell El Amarna, also known as Amarna or Akhetaten, is an archaeological site in Egypt that holds great historical and cultural significance. Amarna period, the period of worship of Aten instead of Amun brought by Akhenaten and the unification of all Egyptian gods in the god Aten, then the return of the worship of Amun after the death of Akhenaten and the young Tutankhamun, ruled as a boy only for a short time. He is most famous because his tomb was discovered almost intact and full of treasures in 1922 Tutankhamun came after him, an example of  There are pieces in the tomb bearing the name of Tutankhaten, and other pieces bearing the name of Tutankhamun, ruled as a boy only for a short time. He is most famous because his tomb was discovered almost intact and full of treasures in 1922 Tutankhamun .

Inside the tomb of Tutankhamun

-Three beds were found on the western side of the front room, and a throne chair for Tutankhamun, ruled as a boy only for a short time. He is most famous because his tomb was discovered almost intact and full of treasures in 1922 Tutankhamun was found under the bed placed on the left. The inscriptions on this chair show a scene from the Tell El Amarna, also known as Amarna or Akhetaten, is an archaeological site in Egypt that holds great historical and cultural significance. Amarna era, where his wife, “Ankhsenmut,” places a necklace on the chest of a seated Tutankhamun, ruled as a boy only for a short time. He is most famous because his tomb was discovered almost intact and full of treasures in 1922 Tutankhamun , both with his name written.  With the title “The King’s Great Wife” appended to the name “Ankhsenmut.”  In the middle above their heads is the eye of the sun, which represents the god Aten, rays of which extend from it and end with the key of life, the Ankh, and give them life.  As for the background of the throne seat, it bears the name “Tutankhaten” and the birth name of his wife, “Ankhseneten,” and this is identical to the Tell El Amarna, also known as Amarna or Akhetaten, is an archaeological site in Egypt that holds great historical and cultural significance. Amarna period.Under the middle bed - which was shaped like a cow - were found about twenty-five flasks that contained meat food to feed the king in the other world. As for the third bed, it was shaped like a lion. Carter also found parts of four complete chariots in the corner of the room towards the south-east, including two ceremonial chariots. Carter found two large statues, larger than the usual dimensions, colored black and decorated with gold plates, guarding the sarcophagus chamber, and in front of them was a box decorated with scenes of Tutankhamun, ruled as a boy only for a short time. He is most famous because his tomb was discovered almost intact and full of treasures in 1922 Tutankhamun during campaigns.  War in Syria and Nubia
-The extra room
 In the extra room, Carter found its contents piled up in an organized manner, including pieces of furniture, including beds, chairs, small cupboards, and two military vehicles.

Inside the tomb of Tutankhamun(The sarcophagus chamber)

The sarcophagus chamber contains four cupboards inside each other made of gilded wood. They contain a quartzite coffin, with winged gods on its four corners, namely Isis, Nephthys, Selket, and Neith. Three coffins inside each other are placed in the quartzite coffin in the form of a human, the smallest of which is made of pure gold and contains the mummy of Tutankhamen.The large cupboard almost fills the entire room, as it measures 5.08 x 3.28 x 2.75 meters, and its thickness is 32. The coffin with the mummy in it has been left in tomb 62 so far, covered by a thick cover of granite stone. Carter found in the coffin three coffins intertwined in the shape of a human and covered with gold sheets, the interior of which was pure gold.  The largest coffin is 224 centimeters long and made of cedar wood and covered with gold sheets. The middle coffin is decorated with gold sheets and studded with precious stones, and the inner coffin was made of pure gold.The golden coffin weighs 110 kilograms of gold, and on it is the golden mask of Tutankhamun, ruled as a boy only for a short time. He is most famous because his tomb was discovered almost intact and full of treasures in 1922 Tutankhamun 's face. Inside the coffin, Carter found about 150 decorated necklaces and veils. Next to the large cupboard, 11 wooden paddles for the sun boat were found. Pots containing incense and perfumes were also found, and oil lamps decorated in a beautiful way.  The god Hapi, the god of the Nile. When Carter entered the coffin room, he found the large gilded cupboard filling the entire room, with the other cupboards and coffins inside. In order for Carter to remove the coffin from the room, he had to demolish the southern wall between the coffin rooms and the front room.
-sarcophagus chamber decorations
 The walls of the sarcophagus chamber are decorated with clockwise scenes from the Book of the Dead, a scene of the opening of the mouth ceremonies, scenes from the Book of the Afterlife (of the Dead), and several scenes depicting Tutankhamun, ruled as a boy only for a short time. He is most famous because his tomb was discovered almost intact and full of treasures in 1922 Tutankhamun meeting a number of gods, including Osiris.

Inside the tomb of Tutankhamun(Treasure room)

-Treasure room
One of the most important things found in the side room located to the east of the mummy room was the cupboard covered with gold and containing the four canopic vessels for preserving the internal organs of Tutankhamun, ruled as a boy only for a short time. He is most famous because his tomb was discovered almost intact and full of treasures in 1922 Tutankhamun . The upper part of this cupboard is decorated with the shapes of upright gilded heads of the cobra snake sacred to the ancient Egyptians, and it also surrounds the cupboard.  Four gilded deities are fixed on it, symbolizing their protection of the contents of the canopic vessels. The four deities are: Isis, Nephthys, Selket, and Neith.  The cupboard contains four canopic vessels in which the intestines, liver, lungs, and stomach are preserved. They are mummified with materials to preserve them, and they accompany the mummy of the deceased to return to him in the other world. Each of the four alabaster canopic vessels has a lid carved in the shape of one of the heads of the sons of Horus, who preserve the entrails.  The ancient Egyptians considered that Horus fathered four sons: “Hapi,” “Amste,” “Domotif” (which means “protector of his mother”), and “Kabhasnov” (which means “giver of drink to his brother”), and their main function was to protect the entrails of the dead.Carter also found in the room a statue painted in black and covered with gold foil of the form of Anubis sitting on all fours (Anubis took the form of a jackal), mounted on a portable chair and having a role in funerary rituals. These objects can be seen in the Egyptian Museum.

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